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Thursday 20th December

Shri Mataji Arrives in Mumbai

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On Thursday 20th December 2007, Shri Mataji arrived in Mumbai from New Delhi along with Sir C.P. Even though it was late in the night, Shri Mataji appeared to be very alert and observant. Shri Mataji gave darshan (holy glimpse) to all the yogis assembled outside the Mumbai International Airport Arrival Lounge. The joy of the yogis who obtained the darshan knew no bounds. Then they went straight to the house of Kalpana didi for their brief sojourn at Mumbai. Kalpana didi took her grand-daughter Tarini to Shri Mataji who kissed her with love. Aarti was performed to Shri Mataji and food was served. Then Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. retired for the night.



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