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Saturday 29th April

Puja celebration at Chiswick House

NEWS: We are hoping to transmit a live video broadcast of the small Puja scheduled for Sunday evening on the 30th April at the Chiswick house. As always dear Brothers and Sisters, we do not have details of times right now, so please check back here regularly beforehand.

The Puja will celebrate Akshaya Thrithiyai through the worship of our Holy Mother as Shri Mahalakshmi. On this day it is auspicious to begin new ventures, and our good deeds are repaid with blessings from the Goddess. It is celebrated as a time of giving and receiving.

Update: The broadcast ended at 21.57.



By sarvesh on Friday 14th July

JSM Video link is not working. Please correct it soon. Thanks a Lot & JSM Sarvesh