Tuesday 18th August

Shri Mataji and Sir CP give € 600,000 to the World Foundation

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On Wednesday 19th August, Shri Mataji and Sir CP invited some members of the World Foundation to their apartments in Cabella and informed them of their decision to transform into a donation the € 600,000 loan made to the Foundation two years ago.

We did our best to express the profound gratitude of all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and renewed our promise to do everything we can to fulfil Her vision for Cabella and the Foundation.


Two years ago, in order to help launch the project for an international school in Cabella, Shri Mataji and Sir CP made an interest-free loan of € 600,000 to the World Foundation.  Of this money € 200,000 has already been used to renovate Centrassi, the residential facility of the Cabella school.  Another € 200,000 was used earlier this year as a deposit on the purchase of the new school building in Cabella; the remaining € 200,000 will be used to help finalise the purchase next month.  In other words, the loan has already been put to good use.  But with this single act of supreme generosity, the money that would otherwise have been needed to repay the loan over the next six years can now be used to further the advancement of Sahaja Yoga in the world.
The board members present underlined that even though we still need to collect another € 200,000 before the end of the year, the current financial situation of the Foundation is healthy.  Sahaja Yogis around the world have responded generously to the fundraising appeal this year and so far we have collected € 700,000 of the € 900,000 required to launch the new school in Cabella.
Shri Mataji and Sir CP clarified that their gift was not given because they thought the Foundation was in difficulty.  They asked us to accept the donation as a token of Her love and as an expression of encouragement for the work of the Foundation.  They themselves feel encouraged by the work done so far, especially regarding the school, and wanted to underline their support in this way.
At this point, overwhelmed by emotion, there was nothing more to say.  We bowed down at Her Perfect Lotus Feet filled with peace and quiet confidence for the future of Sahaja Yoga and the emancipation of mankind.
Thank you Shri Mataji, thank you a million times for responding unfailingly to our hearts’ pure desire. And thank you Sir CP for your unwavering support for our beloved Mother and for Her great work.


By Malti Menon from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on Tuesday 8th September

Thanks for sharing this beautiful story......................Thank You O Divine Mother..........for Showing us the Way and Encouraging us to do more  for humaity and not limit this Blessing, just to ourselves. We bow to You again and again.