A Most Auspicious Arrival
A day best avoided – better not risk getting out of bed !
But here in the U.K., this year, Friday 13th October 2006 feels like a very special day indeed !........
It’s October in England – not a time of year normally noted for its summery climate ! And all week it has been English Autumn signature weather, coolish, dullish, greyish, cloudyish, rainyish, with gusty winds, - ah yes, you know you are at home and it’s Autumn once again…. For a couple of days it’s been raining non-stop, quintessentially England in October ….as you hide beneath your umbrella and squelch along the street, rain dripping from every corner, pouring down the pavements, bubbling along the road….But when it’s over there is no doubt everything does look very nice and clean….
And this morning, early, it’s misty, a grey mist;… foggy, a grey fog….On the T.V
early – morning news they warn of the dangers of fog - but they tell us it might lift……Well you know what, I would be willing to bet it just might…..
Here we go….10 o’clock, fog is gone… 11o’clock and Good Morning Sunshine!!!….
11.30 and the sky is the highest, bluest, brightest you could ever hope to see, streaked only with the occasional beautiful, delicate and wispy cloud in some artful design – clearly there for decoration only. Go outside by 12 noon and it’s hot, hot hot,….
sunglasses at the ready – this suddenly feels like India….
Yes, you can’t miss it ….Something Special is happening, for Somebody Very Special is coming home today…….
Shri Mataji arrives, together with Sir C.P., at London airport after a long transatlantic flight – radiant, beaming, looking as fresh as a Daisy. Smiling joyously and greeting all the delighted Sahaja Yogis there to welcome their Beloved Mother. There is happiness and joy all round. Into the cars which are laden with a precious cargo of hundreds and hundreds of flowers offered with love by young and old, and home.
The arrival at Chiswick is quiet and peaceful and gentle. Nobody crowds. Smiling at everybody all around, inclining Her Head in greeting. Mother looks just astoundingly beautiful, so fresh and so young. She enters Her room and a moment later we are invited in. There is Aarti and more bouquets. So much smiling. The sun is streaming in.
People gather round, She invites everybody to come closer. We shuffle up so that as many as possible can squeeze in. We are there for everybody. There are jokes and laughter with Sir C.P. Mother joins in. Everybody is given lovely chocolates and sweet biscuits to eat, and Mother joins us. The moments just seem to flow on by in a silent joy. It’s easy to go deep.
Mother teases someone who has been a Sahaja Yogini for a very long time :
“Why are you looking so serious?”, with the hugest and cheeriest of smiles. Moved almost to tears the dear sister explains softly : “Mother I am just feeling such deep Joy”…
Sir C.P. smiles and says “They are just worshipping You… ” Yes Sir, that is very true.
Mother’s Eyes are Sparkling, Eyes are Twinkling, Eyes are Dancing. Her Beautiful Face, Filled with radiance and Filled with Light, is Wreathed in smiles.
Our hearts are wreathed in smiles. Our hearts are dancing..
At one stage in the proceedings, ushered in by two Aunties, seven tiny children enter the room. They walk with such an innocence in a way that only tiny children can, …meandering steps, heads slightly on one side, no particular place to go….
Between them in their little hands they are bearing a seemingly endless “paper chain” , made up entirely of hundreds of multi-coloured paper hearts carefully hung on the softest and strongest of threads. Each heart has been carefully hand-decorated by so many children from all over, and each one has a painting, a drawing, a poem, a prayer, all written, painted, drawn in that enchanting hand of childhood.
The little ones gently surround Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. as they encircle them with their beautiful garland of love, gently laying it down at Shri Mataji’s Holy Lotus Feet and all around. The children then sit in a semi-circle and begin to sing that sweet and beautiful melody, “Mother, I Adore You……….” Shri Mataji’s Beautiful Face takes on that Special Look that you feel when the beauty and the love all around is almost too much to bear.
The “flower ladies” who have made such Divine designs carry in a huge enormous heart, made up entirely of the most beautiful and delicate pastel – shaded English flowers.
The Yuva Shakti present a huge handpainted card. It opens like a triptych. All around is painted a delightful scene of the English countryside, portraying “The Green of England”, with rolling hills & valleys, a cottage and a stream, with Yogis and children playing.
There are birds in the sky. In the centre are some beautiful gates - you open them up as well, and inside you see Shri Mataji’s’ Face.
Alongside is inscribed a poem which is read out to everybody:
“To Our Most Beloved Shri Mataji”, and underneath
“Oh Queen of Love, Oh Mother Divine, How to describe the Beauty that is Thine ?
Thy Love Flows like water over the hills and valleys of our souls,
Nourishing the green carpets of Albion and soothing its shores.
Oh Adored Divinity, Oh Sweet Patience, Oh Miracle Divine,
Please feel our Love as our hearts melt into Thine .”
And melt we all do.
Mother looks all around. “So many flowers, She says, “So many flowers”,…. and looking at all the lovely little children and all the gently smiling faces you feel that maybe She doesn’t just mean the garden ones, but maybe the Yogi ones too……
The sun hangs in the sky. The moments seem to hesitate as eternity and infinity unfold..
A doctor who has been at work in the morning makes us all laugh by reporting how everybody has been talking about the fact that this date has come around again, …
A Friday 13th !!.... Another Yogi enlightens us by explaining that actually it is the number of The Goddess and that therefore it really is a good day ! Everybody agrees that this year for us it is certainly a very good day !
The very air is at Peace.
Time seems to have stood still.
In the end it is time for us to take our leave and let Them rest, and for us to go outside again into this Heavenly day.
Certainly for us Friday 13th will be a day to remember – the most auspicious date of all.!
For yes, the Heart of the Universe , and therefore the Whole of The Universe, is certainly in Luck today !
Let us Rejoice,…..and Rejoice for ever !
By Himanshu from Singapore on Sunday 15th October
My dear brothers and sisters of England,
Jai Shree Mata Ji,
Photos and text of mothers arrival are one of the most memorable photos of our life. We see how our mother nourises her childrens all over the world with her love by travelling her self .
We all had our nabhi opened with Mother shopping in London.
Wish to have few more experiences with Mother during shopping. She seems very joyous and every body laughing, in prediwalai shopping.
Jai Shree Mata Ji
By Emily from UK on Sunday 15th October
This is so joyful I'm crying reading these stories and looking at the photos. The London/Uk collective puja we had at Flood Street last night felt like Mother taking us to another level in vibrations, depth, awareness and collective joy as we meditated on Her words in the video to put Her Feet into our hearts. Her Love is so great. We should feel Her love in every moment and in every molecule.
By amy from Dallas, TX USA on Monday 16th October
Thank you for such a rich description of Mother's arrival that makes us feel as if we were there. What a beautiful poem, too.
Thank you also to whoever has created these amazing websites for us to enjoy.
Jai Shri Mataji
By John Peirson from Midlands, UK on Tuesday 17th October
Jai Shri Mataji !! Wonderful.
By Rajesh Sharma from Haridwar, India on Wednesday 18th October
I could feel as if I was there with everyone. So beatifully expressed, Sahaja can only be the word. I could see the children coming to the room. Tears just trickled and heart opened up. Jai Shri Mata Ji !!!!
By Lilawtie from Trinidad, Caribbean on Thursday 19th October
Jai Shree Mataji
I feel so full of love and vibrations by just looking at the photos and the video that i can imagine how wonderful it must be for those lucky yogis and yoginis who were present. Thank you very much.
Love, Lilawtie