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The following videos are now available on this website...
- 6th Night of Navaratri (and Talk) (124 minutes) - 2nd Night of Navaratri (and Talk) (36 minutes) - Shri Ganesha Puja (70 minutes)
Jai Shri Mataji
By Navdeep Brar from Toronto Canada on Thursday 18th October
Jay Shri mata ji
I am very happy see all the pictures.I feel as like ; we are enjoying "JOY" from so far.Please could you try give appox.time of webcast. I feel so much love...Awaiting next web cast in next few hours.................Jai Shri Mata ji
By Dr. R.K. Mazari from Dehra Dun, India on Thursday 18th October
How fortunate we are that Param Pujya Shri Mataji has blessed us with performing Navaratri Pujas to Her Holy lotus Feet to give us a chance to develop the depth of our inner being. It reminds us of the time when our Holy Mother permitted us to perform nine nights pujas during 1988 Navaratri time in Her Sakhshat presence to elevate us to newer heights in Sahaja Yoga. On that occasion, the Amrutvani bestowed upon us by Param Puja Shri Mataji will not only illuminate the seeker but has given a whole new meaning to Her powers as Durga who is the protector of this Universe. That knowledge shall permeate the human history for ever and with a greater vigour and understanding. This time, the Navaratri Pujas held in Australia (the Mooladhara Chakra of the Universe) in Her Sakhshat presence assumes even greater importance to all the Sahaja Yogis of the time and all those awaiting their rebirth. It is a divine experience beyonds words. It is only to be felt in the heart. For this kindness of our Holy Mother we bow whole heartedly to Thy Holy Lotus feet to have so graciously and compassionately granted us the occasion of receiving Her infinite love to help us tread the path of realised state of our life. For this, we remain immensely thankful to Her who is so caring for Her children.
Here in Dehra Dun in the lap of the Sahasrara of the universe, we have been fortunate enough to have been performimg collective meditation/pujas since the dawn of Sahaja Yoga in this city some 21 years ago on the occasion of Navaratri. It grants us great amount of cleansing and depth of our inner being. This year also we have been blessed to perform nine nights of collective meditation/pujas to Her Holy Lotus Feet. Param Pujya Shri Mataji, the Creator of this Universe, we have no words to express our thanks to You. Kindly make us all knowledgeable so that we become Your effective instruments for spreading Sahaja Yoga.