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Saturday 10th November

Musical Night with Shri Mataji - Diwali Puja

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The second day of Diwali Puja seminar started with a session for Yuvashakti. Many vital aspects for the Yuva shakti were touched upon as a part of information
and actions initiated. Various techniques that could be adopted for propagation of Mother’s messages and taking the self Realization programme in the corporate
sectors were also discussed. Protocols in Sahaja Yoga were also discussed.

There was a separate session on spreading Sahaja Yoga through Internet. The activities of SITA( Sahaja Internet Team) have been discussed. Several SITA projects had helped to propagate the Sahaja Yoga in internet. It is also advised that Sahaja Yogis use the discretion while forwarding the lectures and quotes of Shri Mataji through internet and Email as there are chances that some one might mis-lead by modifying or manipulating the lectures of Shri Mataji. Speaker had pointed out few instances where fake lectures from unauthorized sources were circulated in emails. All Yuvashakti brothers who have access to internet are discouraged to forward the lectures of Shri Mataji in electronic form.

Shri Mataji greeted everyone with the notes of ‘Happy Diwali’ at the very beginning, addressing all the Sahaja Yogis. She spoke in Hindi. The message from Shri Mataji continued for 80 minutes.

The essence of the message was probably a state of  awakening and recognizing our own moral responsibilities and duties towards leading a Sahaja life.

She began her speech with the subject of Ego. Shri Mataji revealed that it is ultimately the ‘ego’ that brings upon the element of darkness in us. In that darkness it is not possible to see the good aspect. Thereby people fall into the garb of all evil, corruption and dishonesty. One should never support the element of dishonesty and should avoid telling
lies. Shri Mataji stressed upon certain ethics and moral and the essence of Truth, Love. Many times in Her speech. Shri Mataji  repeated that She desired us to take a resolution on this day to stand collectively against all the liars, dishonest, corrupt, evil and
the wrong doers. Shri Mataji said that if needed the Sahaja Yogis should form up a committee so that yogis encountering any falsehood, dishonesty or  corruption
anywhere must report the matter to them and in turn they should take it up with the government for needful action. While, at another instance She impressed upon
that She would be very pleased to see if Sahaja Yogis could form a collective of may be 10 persons to tackle the dishonest persons or even can teach them a lesson
to these corrupt and dishonest person. Shri Mataji said “since you are realized souls you have lights lit in your heart and in that light you must be able to see the liars, dishonest people or wrong-doers and then take them to task’.

Impressing up on the present condition in India and their dwindling morality, Shri Mataji mentioned that ‘you must be proud to announce that you are an Indian’. You are already blessed by God with his power and love. That one should know that he lives in a
blessed country with high moral values. ‘But what has happened now to all of you’? There are so many people who have developed the habit of lying all the times.
‘You should never support them’. She stressed that nothing but the truth must emerge out of us.

Shri Mataji then spoke about the relationship and bondage of parent and their children across the world. It is pathetic that in country like America, a child
after attaining his sixteen years of age is driven out of home to struggle alone to decide things for himself and his future. While in India the cultural heritage is such that we can never think of such things. Instead a father starts planning with more focused attention about the future of his son after sixteen only. ‘You must care for your children’. One should always feel proud for his own nation. This was especially being told to the Indians who should especially take pride to uphold his moral values and not falls in standard to project himself to be a true Indian. She said ‘India is a great nation and enjoys the largest collectivity of the realized souls. It is indeed a blessed country’.

Commenting on Russia Shri Mataji said, ‘Russia is another great country and may the communism in that country made them very truthful. They do not tell so much lies. May be in India also had there been communism, things would have been different or people
would not have lied as much as is the case now’.

Quoting an example of the dishonesty and corruption, Shri Mataji remarked that while She was traveling down to the venue She had to encounter a very bumpy pot
hole laden ill constructed road. The road itself shows all dishonesty had been lurking in the entire machinery and the workmanship. The people are ruining this country and trying to cheat others by all dishonesty. So, one should really take action against all these people who are involved in such dishonest works and help the Government to fight against them.

She also expressed Her displeasure on the bad habits of chewing paan (beetle leaf) with tobacco which is as horrible as consuming alcohol. The persons taking to these addictions go to hell directly. There is no place for them in Heaven. The heaven is full of light
and we should stand to fight out these immoral acts.

Referring to the environmental issue Shri Mataji spoke of the garbage dumping into the Yamuna River. This is awful and we should help the government and advise the
municipality to take appropriate measures to not to indulge into such evil deeds.

Talking on the aspects of Diwali and festival of lights Shri Mataji said Shri Sita was born on this day and one must respect the moral and the values within oneself.

In Her speech Shri Mataji also explained the enigmatic senses behind the two Sanskrit words frequently used  in Indians vocabulary to express patriotism. One is
‘Swaraj’- ‘Swa’- means ‘own self ’ and ‘Raj’ – means ‘kingdom’ and the Second word is  -‘Swatantra’, - Swa- means -own self’  Tantra – means ‘the machinery’. Therefore the meaning to these words should always be self driven. Whenever we speak of ‘Swatantra’ it invariably should be understood that it is the tantra-of the self. One should first know his ‘own self’ in order to understand this deep rooted meaning of ‘belonging to a nation’. Explaining ‘Swaraj’ She emphasized that we must understand and be proud to be privilege citizen by our inner owning-ness of the land where we belong. Everyone must understand by our deeds and presentation that we are Indian.



By Manga from UK on Sunday 18th November

Thank you Shri.Mataji for giving us this light of spirituality in the form of sahaja yoga which is truely helping us to dissipate all the darkness and ignorance within us. Please help us truely achieve our "Swatantra" and uphold the values that we have gained through our birth in India, so that we spread those values wherever we are. Mother I love you very much. Please fill your love in me in every moment of my life so that I can love others and give them self realisation. Jai Shri Mataji!

By Prakash S from Bahrain on Monday 19th November

Jai Shri Mataji

Thanks for releasing the transcript of Mother's Speech.  Eventhough we were watching the webcast, at times the audio was not clear.  I was waiting for this transcript.

Only Shri Mataji can talk boldy and truthfully when today's world is filled with dirty politicians and hypocrites.

Mother's various talks are the best Mantra during meditation.

Thanks to the entire webcast team for sharing the divine bliss with the rest of the world.


Prakash S 





By Malini BN from Bangalore, India on Monday 19th November

Thanks for sharing ShriMataji's speech highlights and wonderful photos. I can almost feel the Diwali celebrations !!!

By bani singh from Udhampur (J&K) INDIA on Monday 19th November

Jai Sri Mata Ji" We all should follow the SRI MATA JI's suggestions for betterment of human beings and nature.Most of the people are afraid of leaving their present life(unbalanced life) due to their unlimited false gurus.

                                                                          JAI SRI MATA JI

By Alan Henderson from UK on Monday 19th November

 Jai Shri Mataji

Thank you very much for the synopsis of Shri Mataji's speech. I do hope that we will get the opportunity to read a full translation of the talk soon.

Thank you for all your hard work

Alan Henderson 

By Dara Tittjung from Austria on Monday 19th November

Thanks for sharing with us. Keep up the great work.

Looking forward to seeing the Puja online soon.
Jai Shri Mataji!

By Shrikant from Belgium on Monday 19th November

Dear brothers & sisters thank you so much for publishing the summary of Mother's Diwali message to rest of the world! Let the light of love of our hearts spread globally.... Jai Shri Mataji!

By Uma Shankar Ram from on Tuesday 20th November

I take refuge to the LOTUS FEET OF SHRIMATAJI.   After having got our self-realization, we have been elevated above human being. So our behaviour, attitudes should be different than ordinary human being. We should respect ourselves, all sahaja yogi brothers and sisters, and attempt should be to transform other people, show the light of truth without any pride. We should be humble, truthful and fight the falsehood, corruption and negativities. Remember, we are always protected and no body can harm us.   "MOTHER" is always with us. JAI SHRI MATAJI 

By samar n rode from chandrapur maharashtra on Wednesday 21st November

i give promice to our mother that i will do my best effort to stop courruption in our country by any way and for that i pray to mother that she always keep my attention pure and she always lived in my sahastra and give me direction to do right thing which is good for me

By Aarti palnitkar from India on Wednesday 21st November


                I was shocked to know the defects which we people have in our society and really want to correct them within myself also .

           Thank You for letting me know all these things.


By jyoti bharadia from brisbane on Wednesday 21st November

Jsm, thankyou so much mother for your message i was very pround of it finally mother spoke this issue,i bow to you mother.jsm

By Abhi from Bangalore, India on Thursday 22nd November


It was a day of torrential rain of vibrations. It was out and out clearing of some deep rooted collective problems. The Words of Mother were like "Astharas" penentrating deep down!

One felt, it is time for us not just be noble but thurst with intensity the truth and attack on all that is untruth.

Is it it the beginnning of 3rd era in Sahaja Yoga?


By Surabhi Satam from Mumbai, India on Thursday 22nd November

It was an elevating experience reading the message of our Mother.

A bunch of thanks for sharing.

Jai Shri Mataji.

By vandna hussain from new delhi on Friday 23rd November

we must strictly follow the path shown by shri mataji. we must feel proud that we are her children and let her holiness feel proud of her children by following what her holiness ordered us to do.

jai shri mata ji

By Madhavi Puranam from Hyderabad, India on Friday 23rd November

Jai Shri Mataji,

I was fortunate enough to be in the presence of Shri Adishakti when she gave us the Diwali message.

Mother, please bless us to work harder to look into ourselves and remove our shortcomings as we strive to walk on the path lit by your divine guidance. 

By Prakash Amin & Ahmedabad Collectivity from on Friday 23rd November

Jai shri Mataji


Shree Mataji awaken Maha Jagdamba in  our heart & give us the Shakti so we can fight with all the  negativities : Keep your Lotus feet always in our Heart & Give us Bhakti , Shakti & Meditation power to keep our attention always in Sahastrar

Jai Shri Mataji

By sanu nirmal from INDIA ALLAHABAD on Friday 23rd November

Jai Shri Mata Ji all my Brother & Sister & Elder's first off all thanka for shri mata ji .net who shown us these beautiful picture and video .and many many thanks for our mother who give us this opportunity through our mother we become collective ……Jai Shri Mata Ji

By Horacio from Geneva, Switzerland on Saturday 24th November

Very powerful talk. I would request our Indian Brothers to provide a full translation of the talk in English language with Mother's words for the benefit of the whole world.

Much love,


By naimisha from hyderabad on Saturday 24th November

great soul...great spirit... what ever she says is very perfect, if every one follows her words and walk in her path, no doubt, india will reach the pinacle soon. let us all follow her words and eliminate all evils on this earth. we can do all this by awakening kundalini in us, let us pray together for our mother india to get free from corruption, dishonesty and all the evils including lies. let us all follow the great path shown by shree mataji nirmala devi garu.

jai shree mataji.

By manvi tomar from moradabad on Saturday 24th November

Jai shri mataji

the musical night with MA was incredible...the very glimpse of MA sparkled the eyes of her children with love n devotion.....n the golden words of SHRIMATAJI still enlightening our hearts today n forever....thanks for your love...DEAR MOTHER...

By R Venkateswaran from Guwahati, India on Monday 3rd December

Jai Shri Mataji !


Shri Mataji ! Thank you very much for stopping me from falling . You are always the protecter.  Kindly always stay in us.  When you are there why fear.



By Prem Sharma from BHUTAN on Friday 7th December

 Jai Shri Mataji,

Oh! Holy Mother, Oh! Adi-Shakti Maaaa! How fortunate I am to be within your VIRATA. All through my evolutions, I had been searching you and this happened to be my final and the most successful birth in this human form, to meet. see, listen, follow, enjoy, pray and feel you in the form of Brahma Chaitanya to attain my MOKTSHYA. As you never leave alone your devoted child, so am I who is all the time with you and within your VIRATA.

Maa. I will certainly follow your advises and blessings and fight against the corruptions through divine diplomacy and never ever tell lies as you promised us to do during the Diwali Puja at Noida, Delhi.

Jai Shri Mataji

Prem Sharma, BHUTAN.


By Aditi Kale from pune ,india on Thursday 13th December


I read and saw the diwali puja after along time but I can feel the divine vibrations as if I was there.Thank you for providing the translation and photoes .

By R.M.Nirmala from Bangalore/India on Thursday 20th December

Jai Shree Mathaji

                    I thank you very much for forwarding Sri Adishakti's speech on deepavali. It is a gift for those who unable to attend the pooja on that day. We will fight against lies,corruption and cheating. Shri Mathaji will give us the power to control them. let us do it.



By devrajsingh ( raju ) punabi from pune-pimpri,india on Sunday 6th January

jai shree mataji,i was in yuva shakti-pune since1994 to 1997 n really i enjoied ganapati pule seminar , nargol seminar,n even i was in pratishthan pune but due to some crisis i was unable to continue to attaind centre n puja but i delighted to see the website of sahaja yoga n i will probably be in touch through internet medium thanks to shree mataji who enlighten my sahasrara n gives power to see the kundalini work.there is no more word to say thanks. if possible pls be in touch with me through my email id jai shree mataji.