You are currently browsing: Shri Mataji Visits India - 2007.
Sunday 13th April

Shri Ram Navami

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Shri Ram Navami Puja was offered at the Holy Lotus Feet of our Mother late in the evening of 13th April 2008 at Pratishthan Pune. 
Shri Mataji came to the main hall of the house appearing very beautiful. On Shri Mataji’s arrival the swagat geet was sung and an aarti performed. 
A garland of predominantly white flowers was placed at Her Lotus Feet. Then small children offered flowers. The Puja began after seeking Her permission. Shri Ram Bhajans were performed while the Puja was going on.  Shri Mataji then vibrated various Puja offerings . Aarti was performed and then the Devi's decorations were removed to end the Puja. 
Shri Mataji blessed everyone.


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