You are currently browsing: Shri Mataji Visits Italy, 2006.
Saturday 22nd July

Celebrating 1000 months of Love

On the night of the 21st July, on the auspicious anniversary of 1000 months of Divine presence on Earth, Shri Mataji was offered a huge cake, decorated with rose petals. On that same day a local newspaper published an advertisement in full page written by the Italian yogis, thanking Shri Mataji for all the work She has been doing in Italy in these 25 years and all the blessing She has bestowed upon us.

The same ad was published next day in four different local editions of the national newspaper "La Repubblica". On the 22nd July evening, hundreds of yogis from all over Italy and the neighbouring countries assembled at Palazzo Doria to celebrate together Her 1000 months on this Earth, to thank Her for all the love She has been pouring on all of us and to salute Her before Her departure from Cabella.

The evening began with an uplifting dance performed by the yoginis of Cabella and some yuva shaktis. After that the yuva shakti group in full had the opportunity to sing bhajans at the Lotus feet of the Divine Mother. Some more songs performed by yogis and yoginis from Austria and Italy filled the atmoshpere with vibrations and peace, before the children from Daglio camp enchanted the audience with their joyful songs. Shri Mataji afterwards watched a DVD about Her 15 years in Cabella and 25 years in Italy, with the background music of Ave Maria, which left all of of us in a blissful state.

Then 1000 candles were lit and offered at Her lotus feet and, immediately after, the procession of yogis started. All of the yogis that had gathered, a few hundreds, in a long line entered the hall, bowed before Mother and offered gifts, flowers, paintings, cards at Her Lotus Feet in an unending stream of love.

The evening ended with the offering of a big cake "To the Mother of all Gurus", accompanied by ten other cakes with the symbols of the ten Adi Gurus. While all this was going on, the yuva shakti in the next room kept singing bhajans to praise the glory of our Mother.

Jai Shri Mataji



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