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Sunday 4th May

Sahasrara Puja 2008

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The Sunday of the Puja was a beautifully gentle, sunny day. The atmosphere was soothing with yogis meditating and enjoying the cool waters of Cabella. Whilst waiting for Param Pujya Shri Mataji the yogis submerged the hangar into a very deep meditative state. Delightful bhajans were sung in praise of the Devi. With Her arrival, the Puja commenced. It was short but very beautiful. After Shri Mataji's departure the yogis stayed in a state of silence enjoying the collective depth of peace. Many exquisite gifts were presented on the stage by the countries represented there. Then the Yuva Shakti, in their sweet way to enjoy their togetherness, burst into tunes of love and rhythm until the early hours of the morning rendering their devotion to their beloved Mother.


By bhaskar subramanian from vaitarna, India on Tuesday 6th May

jai shri mataji

the photos are very beautifully taken , i enjoyed seeing them.

thankyou for them. lots of blessings from Shri mataji

sundar majhi nirmal aayi

our mother is so beautiful and always protect us



By sonia from noida,india on Tuesday 6th May

jai shri mataji  thanx alots for sahastara puja's beautiful pictures and for video ........ may shri ma bless u   all ..... jai shri mataji  

By sonia from noida,india on Tuesday 6th May

 salutation to the queen of sahastara

salutation to the queen of peace and heaven

 thank u very much shri ma for showing us right path......

we all love u shri ma  

By kumar Abhishek from India Pune on Thursday 8th May

Its nice to see this pictures and specially thanks to Srimataji that given a new birth of human and i want to include one thing i.e mujhe rass aa gaya hai tere dar pe sar jhukana tujhe mil gay puzari,mujhe mil gaya thikana...........

Jsmt jsmt...............................................




By dr.rama patnayak, India, New Delhi from on Thursday 8th May

jai shri mataji

we heard about nirankar state but today i could feel it when i watched these pictures, our mother is the giver of beauty fame and valour. she is tejeswani and as maa Durga, she removes all evils, mother pls keep our attention at your holy feet always, like fragrance is to flowers all sahajyogis chit may be at the lotus feet of our divine mother.

jai shri mataji, rama patnayak.