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Sunday 24th August

Krishna Puja


By rama from on Wednesday 27th August

Very heart warming to see the Goddess. The fragrance and peace of Our Divine Mother. Shri mataji we love You.

By PRITI SHARMA from INDIA on Thursday 28th August

we love our beloved mother and I wish that all the Sahajayogi will become the real shahajyogis as my loving mother wish to be.  please shri mataji give me the depth of purity innocence and make me your loving daughter.

thank you shri mataji for your love and affection for all of us.


By priya from lko on Thursday 28th August

Thank You Mother for your blessings and love that just overflowed on Sri Krishna puja..You are always there everywhere wherever we are conducting the puja;I am a daughter who errs often Mother but still You shower all your love..Please bless us mother to be able to carry your message to one and all..Om twameva sakshat Sri Adishakti sakshat Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi namo namah!

By anamika kundu from mumbai, India on Friday 29th August

Jai shri Mataji!

Thank you Mother for all your blessings and your grace that you shower on us. After many months you gave my family and me the privilege to attend your Krishna puja at Thane. It was a truly moving experience. Thank you Mataji for all your love.

By nidhi from delhi on Saturday 30th August

Felt very happy seeing the puja photos. Thanks Mother for all the blessing you shower on us. Please keep me always at Your Lotus Feet.

By Anjulika from New Delhi, India on Saturday 6th September

  My Heartiest Pranam at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother! I am so overwhelmed to watch You that I am running short of words to express my feelings as it was an extremly heavenly experience. I am thankful to you for showing me your great dharshan of Shakshat Shri Krishna!  Koti Koti Pranam. Shri Mataji Kindly be in my Sahastrara always. You gave us everything we want, Thank you very much.