Monday 13th April

Concert in the presence of Shri Mataji

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While Mother was resting in Her room in the evening, a group of yogis had gathered at the Castle to enjoy the notes of Indialucia, a fusion between flamenco and indian classical music, performed by our brothers Miguel, Avaneendra and Sandesh.

After the elevating notes of the concert, bhajans were sung in praise of our Beloved Mother.

Later as Mother woke up, She asked the yogis to assemble closer to Her in the living room, where for the third time they were blessed with Her Holy Darshan. About a hundred yogis stayed a full hour in Her presence, listening to Raag Bhageshri played on sitar by Avaneendra, accompanied by Sandesh. After that they all sang a few bhajans. Shri Mataji was enjoying this melodious evening at Palazzo Doria.

Finally, on behalf of the organising countries, the Austrian leader invited Shri Mataji officially to the Sahasrara Puja that will be held in Albera at the beginning of May.

After the concert was over, the gathering moved to the next room, where they continued singing while our Holy Mother dined.

Thank You Mother for being so gracious to us! This is a day we shall never forget.




By Ashok Singh from Pune, India on Sunday 19th April

It is great to see that all programmes on internet. After seeing all these, divine photographs we all are feeling vibrations. All this is possible by the grace of our Holy Mother Srimataji. Great moments for every one present there.