European realisation tour
A wave of vibrations is breezing through Europe these days: the international "Cool check" yuva shakti team is bringing joy and peace all over.
The European Realisation Tour is half way through and has already reached the Netherlands, Belgium, France, with 1200 newly realised souls, mostly young people. The approach is very "cool", and attracts the young seekers.
During a pause in Cabella the yuva shakti team has been graciously blessed with the darshan of Shri Mataji. They told Her about the results of the tour till now and asked for Her blessings before starting the tour in Italy. This morning they left Cabella heading for the South of Italy.
By Dr.Rama Patnayak from India on Wednesday 14th October
jaishri mataji,
I saw these pictures of realization tour and was over whelmed. Currently I am working as director in the Amity university, Noida, India. I wish to spread sahajyoga and pray to shri mataji that thousands of young people in the university may be given realisation and youth has to told about sahaj yoga. I will be highly obliged if some sahaj yogis can come to this university and explain and give realisation and save this genration from the materialistic decaying system,
Jai shri mata ji.