Friday 17th December

Christmas for the children of Centrassi with Shri Mataji

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Today the children from Centrassi went to celebrate the end of their first semester and celebrate Christmas with Shri Mataji in Genova.

They all sat down and started to sing songs they had been preparing for the day. What would seem difficult for adults, these tiny tots surprised all with their ability to carry each song perfectly. They sang songs in english, italian, went on to sing Namo Namo Maria and Hallelujah.

A cute Santa Clause came around and with Sadhana didi gave gifts to all; while Mother gazed at them all. Sir CP said how much Shri Mataji desired their schoolin Centrassi.

The Children all bowed to their Beloved Mother and went down to a main hall where a lovely buffet of delicious food was awaiting them.

A very sweet end of the first half of their school for these children on Centrassi school.



By Kishore Kr. Das from Kanti, Muzaffarpur, Bihar (India) on Wednesday 22nd December

Jai Shri Mataji, I wish Shri Ganesh shower all his blessings upon the children. Jai Shri Mataji.   (Kishore Kr. Das)

By R Venkateswaran from Guwahati, India on Thursday 30th December

Jai Shri Mataji !


Thank you very much for the sweet Christmas celebration with the children.