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Saturday 22nd April

Shri Mataji arrives in the UK!

So at last the momentous day has arrived. At 18.00 hours on 22nd April 2006, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the Queen of our Universe, arrived at Heathrow Airport in West London at the beginning of an historic visit to the United Kingdom.

The party was greeted at the airport by a small group of Sahaja Yogis and Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. graciously agreed to attend a reception that had been arranged for them by the UK collective in Chiswick Town Hall, which is literally a few minutes away from the residence they will be using during their stay here. All day Yogis from across the UK had been arriving at the Town Hall to prepare for the hoped for arrival, and the hall had been filled with the happy sounds of children, teams of Yogis preparing the halls and bhajan practice.

Finally, at around 8pm, the longed for event occurred and the car swept gently into the driveway of the hall, to be greeted with love and deep devotion by a group of Yuva Shakti, children and Yogis. Shri Mataji was then led into the hall itself, where the assembled Yogis were waiting with eager anticipation for the blessing of Her time and Darshan.

Dr David Spiro then delivered a lovely speech of welcome on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis of the UK, and Sir C. P. gave a beautiful and typically generous response to say how nice it was to be back in the UK, after which a series of short presentations were made to Shri Mataji. These included presents from the children of the UK as well as a framed painting of Saint George on a horse killing the dragon. This is especially significant since Shri Majati is staying at a house called St George, named after this famous patron Saint of England and the 23rd April is actually St George's day in the UK - it is literally England's day!

By this time the Vibrations and Love from the reception were threatening to lift the hall from its foundations as the bhajan group started to play Sitting in the Heart of the Universe.

All too quickly the reception drew to a close and Shri Mataji and Sir C. P. took their farewells to travel to the new residence and settle in. The Sahaja Yogis remained behind in the hall to share the Vibrations and soak up the atmosphere, and very quickly an impromptu bhajan session began to celebrate the Divine visit. Through the kindness and generosity of our Indian brothers and sisters in the West London collective, delightful Indian snacks were served and a party atmosphere soon started to manifest which lasted until late into the night.

What an absolute joy and privilege it is to host our Divine Mother in these most important and significant times. Jai Shri Adi Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, namoh namah.



By Cyro Ribeiro on Sunday 23rd April

Thank you, dear brothers and sisters from UK, for providing us with this lovely site and the most expected videos, photos and talks from Mother, Sir C.P and world leaders.

By Jayant Patankar on Sunday 23rd April

Wow, I wish I was there, but in spirit I am. A tsunami of divine Love and vibrations should surge forth and cleanse this world from the heart of the Universe this time when the Adishakti is there. Love to all the UK brothers and sisters. Jai Shri Mataji,

By t on Sunday 23rd April

please update the website with font color so the fonts can be seen better.Please change the contrast. Site is so nice. Jai Shri Mataji

By Prasad on Sunday 23rd April

Hi jsm Thanks for the wonderfull news and the pictures. Keep us in your attention we are soon starting a new 5-week mediatation workshop in local YMCA in Boston (America's England). Enjoy & Take Care Prasad USA

By Monica Clarke on Sunday 23rd April

I thought it was a lovely venue to greet Mother yesterdy. May be we should look at this kind of greeting in the future. First class. Many thanks Jai Shri Mataji

By Carolyn Vance on Sunday 23rd April

Your generous and gracious website enables us to be with you and Our Divine Mother and Her Family in more than spirit alone. Thousands of appreciations for doing this. Jai Shri Mataji again and again!!!!

By Bhakti on Monday 24th April

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

By from lebanon on Monday 24th April

Thank you very very much for all the Wonderful news!!!!! Wishing that in Her Stay in the Heart of the Universe, She Will Transform UK into Heaven on Earth, like in Australia, where She Was very very Happy seeing all the siblings very much united!!!!! (according to Sir CP Speech on MP3) Jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha

By francesco on Monday 24th April

When Mother's in England,She's even more in the heart of all of us! i wish i could have been there! Jay our beloved Mother!

By Deepika Pandey on Monday 24th April

JSM!!!!! LOving U.K sahaj yogi brothers n sisters kindly update us day by day with photos and movies.I wish to be there. Jai Shri Mataji!!!

By dr sainath on Tuesday 25th April

jai shri mataji, There is no words to express for providing and updating this lovely site alongwith photos of Shri Mataji & Papaji. Thanks a lot. Regards, Dr Sainath.

By Daniel on Tuesday 25th April

Dear Brothers and Sisters, we all felt so happy to be able to welcome Shri Mataji in this beautiful hall only a few minutes away from Her new home in London. I think we should have our weekly meeting there. What a beautiful place, especially now that we have been there with Her. Jai Shri Mataji Daniel Wagner

By vinod nawab on Tuesday 25th April

really amazing to read and see the photographs of the day to day activities on website.I heartly feel like i am regularly attending every programme of shri shri mataji. keep us updated of every moment, Thanks,thanks,thanks jai shri mataji

By Amit Patil on Thursday 27th April

JAI SHRI MATAJI I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for enabling us to get daily updates about SHRI MATAJI's stay in UK.

By Sandy and Giancarlo, Italy on Thursday 27th April

Thank you so much for these amazing images of our Beloved Mother's arrival in England - we feel that a piece of us is there with you all. Keep the pictures coming! With all love Sandy and Giancarlo xxx

By Joseph on Monday 1st May

Dear brother and sisters of the UK. What a joy it is to watch these historical events live from the computer with unbelievable quality. Thankyou very much.

By ekta on Wednesday 3rd May

Thanks ,thanks a lot for such beautiful phototgraphs of our divine mother Jai shri mataji

By Gopi on Thursday 4th May

The website is very good. The colors and the design is so good. Thanks for the news and information provided by all. The photos section is giving a feeling we also have participated in the program. A small request if windows media player also added it will be a great help to us.

By Kripalini on Friday 5th May

Jai Shri Mataji ! As I have not been able to share in the Collective activities for a while, I am so very grateful to have received this lovely news. Wishing you all a Wonderful Sahasrara Day, wherever you may be. With love from your sister Kripalini.

By vikas p sharma chd india on Tuesday 9th May

Why has she chosen us? What is her dream? Are we the ocean? Are we conscious? Are we working?