You are currently browsing: Shri Mataji Visits the USA, 2006.

"It is so plain in every way that you should be generous. That is the quality of Kubera. He's an extremely generous personality and that's what personality you should be..."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, on the occasion on Shri Krishna Puja, 2002

Sunday 27th August

Shri Ganesha Chaturthi Puja

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On August 27, 2006, Shri Mataji graciously permitted the yogis to offer a simple puja to Her in Her home in Calabasas, in celebration of Shri Ganesha Chaturthi.

About a hundred yogis, dressed in all shades of orange and red, gathered under the twilight as the setting sun cast a burnished, golden glow on the Santa Monica Mountains that surround Mother’s house. The silence deepened and chaitanya filled the air as we waited for Mother to descend from Her room.

Tuesday 15th August

Raksha Bandhan With The Goddess

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On the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan on the evening of August 9, the Realize America Tour culminated at the feet of the Adi Shakti at Her home in Calabasas California. Close to 40 American and international yuva shakti finished a self realization tour of the west coast of the United States that began in Seattle on July 22nd and finished at the feet of Our Holy Mother this night. Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. were informed that over 1,000 people were given self realization during this historic event that spanned over 1,150 miles.

Friday 4th August

The Goddess Arrives in the City of Angels

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The most auspicious occasion of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi arriving in Los Angeles occurred Thursday, the day of the Guru.

A large group of local yogis, joined by the Realize America tour gathered at the international terminal of LAX, with roses in their hands, waiting to offer them at the lotus feet of our Mother. The vibrations grew stronger and stronger as she approached Her children.