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Saturday 7th April

Easter Sunday- the day of resurrection

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We were fortunate to perform Puja to Shri Mataji, the auspicious offerings were made,  the vibrations incredible. Then a moment for all the true believers gathered, and all those in every corner of the world, in every  home, and collective house, a moment to silence all doubters, and those who seek to follow paths not in keeping with the Sahaja collective.

Shri Mataji asked for the microphone, and She smiled at us all and for the first time in many years She spoke in a clear lucid tones, words of power, awakening the kundalini, affirming, reassuring, joyous revelation, tears of joy again began to flow around the room, and through many water filled eyes were we privileged to again sit as humble devotes before the Feet of our Guru, and listen to Easter Puja April 8th discourse. Forgive any inaccuracies in their re-telling for this humble instrument is full of faults.

Wednesday 21st March

Four days International Sahaja Yoga Seminar-Nirmal Nagari, Pune

The four days of International Sahaja Yoga seminar (18th Mar – 21st Mar) was held at Nirmal Nagari, Pune in India. The event was hosted by seven countries i.e. collectivity of Turkey, Dubai, Israel, Tunisia, Greece, Morocco, Iran and India. These four days marked yet another milestone in expressing a collective sense of harmony through performance of various arts and plays in the form of cultural programmes amidst 8-9 thousand Sahaja Yogis, who had congregated in this Holy place of Pune. The occasion also marked offering of Puja to H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on the occasion of Maha Shivratri and celebrating the joy of Her 84th Birthday.

Wednesday 21st March

Birth Day Celebrations-Nirmal Nagari, Pune

Although this day was relatively hot, yet the evening was pleasant, full of joy and coolness all around. There were around 9000 yogis present at Nirmal Nagari to celebrate the Birthday of their most beloved Mother. The Stage wore a nicely decorated palace like look. There were beautiful fragrant flowers and bunch of colorful balloons here and there.

At 7pm in the evening the collective meditation started, followed by a very powerful bhajan Naam Na Jane...Tum Asha Vishwas hamare. 

Monday 19th March

Shri Shiva Puja-Nirmal Nagari, Pune

This day, witnessed three events in series that played very significant role in their own place. Firstly, there was a unique solar eclipse (visible over India); secondly, as per the Indian calendar, this day marked the first day of the nine days of the Navratri festival, celebrated to mark the Birthday of Shri Rama; and thirdly, this day also celebrated a very popular Hindu festival called Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, India.  Overall it was indeed an eventful day as the collectivity awaited for the very powerful Shiva Puja in the evening at Her Holy Lotus Feet.

Monday 25th December

Christmas Puja Day Two

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The second day of the three day Christmas Puja seminar was dedicated to the offering of the Christmas Puja at Her Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji in Her Shri Jesus Mary form. Puja time was announced for six thirty but the collectivity was requested to be in mediation right at quarter to six to avoid any hurried movements before the puja.   The wonderful musical programme in the morning had done much of the cleansing in the collectivity. The collectivity had swelled up to approximately 13 thousand in the open air space in front of the main pandal. The evening wore a very serene look with a beautiful golden yellow sun set against the hilly background. The sky was clear and a very ambient temperature prevailed.

Sunday 24th December

Christmas Puja Day One–Musical Evening

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The day took off with a powerful havan in the morning. It was a welcome event to help cleanse the subtle self of the collectivity to allow us to enjoy the day’s events in this divine land of Nirmal Nagri. Later it transitioned to a memorable musical evening that Sahaja Yogis shall never forget.The evening’s excitement escalated with the staging of a dance drama by the Sahaja children of ISPS, Dharmshala, India. The drama was about the story of Creation, the Cosmos and its essence the Causal, and the origin of the various notes of music, underscored with the original score of the most powerful declaration of the advent of Shri AdiShakti by Her own words of H.H. Shri Mataji from an old archived audio score. The silence that followed was just galactic.

Sunday 22nd October

Diwali Puja

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 Shri Mahalakshmi revisits Nirmal Nagri, Pune,the Holy land on 22nd October 2006

Sunday, the 22nd October 2006 marks yet another historic event since the creation of mankind with the witnessing and welcoming once again Her Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Mahalakshmi  after thousands of years in Her Shri Mataji Form on this land of Nirmal Nagri, Bhukum, in the Khatpewadi village, Pune, India.

Saturday 21st October

Laxmi Puja at Prathistan

21st of Oct 06 was the first day of the two day Diwali Puja program in Pune. A huge gathering of around ten thousand Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis had already gathered at Nirmal Nagari, our very own venue for the Puja, and hundreds more were continuously trooping in. This day was also the occasion of Laxmi Puja, a festival in the series of festivals before Diwali, when the Devi Laxmi (Goddess of Wealth) is worshipped in Indian households by offering Her the valuables of the Home. This festival realized its true meaning and achieved fulfillment when Laxmi Puja offering by Sahaja Yogis and Yoginis was accepted by Shri Mataji at Her abode Prathisthan in Pune at 5 p.m. on the 21st of Oct 06.

Thursday 19th October

Dhanteras Puja

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Dhanteras, one in a series of festivals that leads up to the festival of lights Diwali, was celebrated at the Holy Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji late in the evening of 19 Oct 2006 at Her abode in Pune – Prathisthan, two days after Her arrival in India.


Dhanteras is considered an auspicious occasion to buy new valuables like precious metals by people in India. Shri Mataji has suggested earlier that on this day it is good to buy something which has a constituent of Mother Earth.

Tuesday 17th October

Holy Arrival of our Most beloved Mother in the land of the Kundalini

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The morning sun of Mumbai seemed to be in a great mood in the morning of seventeenth October 2006 to welcome our most Holy Mother, where every heart yearned for Her Holy darshan and to be prepared to offer their forthcoming Puja this weekend. It was a normal sunny day though, but it seemed that the joy in the hearts of the small gathering of Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginis outside the Mumbai Airport seemed to have the glow of a thousand suns inside to receive their dearest one within.