Mother's arrival in Cabella
Today Shri Mataji blessed, yet once again the Italian soil with Her Divine presence. An unusual heat had been warming up the Borbera valley in the last few days and still at midday the sun was shining strong on the heads of the yogis working to prepare for Shri Mataji's arrival. As soon as Shri Mataji approached Cabella big clouds gathered in the sky. Lightnings appeared to announce Her arrival, a strong wind and a few raindrops brought relief on earth.
Shri Mataji stopped in Nirmala Nagar full of eager yogis that awaited Her arrival. A dance by the Yuva Shakti accompanied the car on the way to the place. Shri Mataji was presented with Lakshmi baskets full of local food products and gifts. A Qawwali was sung and afterwards Shri Mataji moved to Her Abode in Cabella. At the end of the program Sir CP said, "Its good to be home." All the souls rejoiced having had the blessing of the darshan of their Divine Mother. Around the castle huge flowers had just blossomed for the occasion, to offer their beauty to the eyes of our Mother. Children sprinkled rose petals before Her, as She entered the Castle.
By Henry from UK on Sunday 22nd April
So Great and Joyfull to hear such a beatiful news from Italy..
and already there are photos and video. thank You guys for that!
Thank You Shri Mataji for Your Blessings!!
We Love You Very Much!!!!
By Ruth Glockshuber ( Radha) from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil on Monday 23rd April
Dear Gauri Mata Meri,
Swagata Agata Swagatam! Please, Ma, Sab. Ko Dua Dena.
Our Hearts are rejoicing in Bhakti. Please Moksha Dayini, let´s all sincere and dedicated sahaja yoguis join you in your Kingdom of the Goddess.
Oh, Tu Mahadevi ! Please destroy all our enimies and save us from the doubts and greed.
Please be Welcome in Europe to help us to reach you now and forever.
Bolo Shri Bhagawati Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki!
Jai Shri Mataji!
By Suresh Goyal from HINDAUN CITY (INDIA) on Monday 23rd April
Congratulations to all the Sahaj Yogi brothers and sisters of Italy to have the Blessings of of our Beloved Goddess Mother.We all are happy to know about the arrival of Shri MataJi and Pujas to be celeberated in Cabella.
Also congratulations to all Sahaj Yogies of the Sahatrar Puja Sponsoring Nations.
We salute your dedication and love upon the Lotus feet of Shri MataJi.
Regards and Jai Shri MataJi!!!
By michalis from Greece on Monday 23rd April
It is wonderful to have good news and beautyful photos of our Holy Mother in Italy again :) I keep checking for the next entry so make it quick ;)
Keep up the good work brothers and sisters!
love, michalis
By Chicago Collective from U.S.A. on Tuesday 24th April
Dearest Eternal Mother
We have always felt you in our hearts either you are in Cabella or Pune or LA. May your tireless enthusiasm to travel around the world, to also be physically near your children motivate us with similar energies to spread your vision and love to every corner of this world, without ever pausing to rest !
With all our love and respect
Chicago Collective
By kshitij from dubai, U.A.E on Tuesday 24th April
jai shree mataji to all...
its good to hear mother is back home :) may all who desire for her darshan have it.
jai shree mataji
By Daisy Pereira from UK on Tuesday 24th April
ts wonderful to know our Divine Mother is so geographically close to us again. May everyone be blessed by Her love and vibrations.
By Christina Ponebsek from Scotland, United Kingdom on Tuesday 24th April
It's so wonderful that Mother is in Europe again. . . Vibrations are just flowing and you feel absolutely overjoyed, when you see Mother healthy and pleased arriving in Cabella.
Shri Mataji, thank you for all Your divine blessings, You have given us everything we could possibly wish for.
we love You very much.
your children from Scotland
By Angela Cavalcante from BrasÃlia - DF / Brazil on Tuesday 24th April
Thank You Mother to blessing us with so many opportunities!
By karun sanghi from kolkata, india on Wednesday 25th April
Now once again it is directed her great incarnation from her words/sentences, she is sp eaking or asking any thing. We all should be very careful to respect and honour her divine form and dedicate to real work of spreading her message to each seeker of the world with utmost love and affection. That is what we feel again and again.
By krishna from India on Thursday 26th April
"Jay Shree Mataji"
I am thankful to Italian Sahaji's for such a wonderful news.
The Joy of offering Flower & saree to our holiey mother is
experienced by me after reading your news.
By Shantanu from Vienna on Thursday 26th April
Dearest Holy Mother,
Our Heartiest Welcome of THY return to the continent of Europe.
May the touching of THY LOTUS FEET in the Soul of the Universe send ripples of LOVE and JOY into the hearts and souls of mankind lost in the mire of ignorance.
May they all seek to return to THY HEAVENLY LOTUS FEET and join all of us in THY KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
May THY most auspicious return inspire us Sahaja Yogis to work even more dedicatedly and intensely in spreading your HOLY message of Resurrection across all the four corners of the world.
We promise we shall not cease till every soul on this earth has experienced your Divine Cool Breath of Redemption.
Most humbly and devotedly,
Your children on earth
By Shanti Iyer from NewDelhi, India on Friday 27th April
After experienced the cool vibration & the Lotus feet of our beloved Shri Mataji`s , Ifeel I once again got realisation like a new sahajayohini & feel lot of love & affections flowing through the heart, also eyes are wet with with an unknown happiness which Icouldnot express myself.
Shanti Iyer
By Satish gupta from New Delhi India on Saturday 28th April
Thank you very much for keeping in touch about Shri Mata Ji.With your help we could also enjoy her Darshan while sitting at home.Please keep it up.
Thank you very much. Jai Shri Mata Ji
By jagpal singh from haridwar,india on Saturday 28th April
jai shri mataji
it is a very auspicious ocassion for all of us around the world that mother has arrived in cabella . I hope and pray to her holliness shri mataji that she always bless her children with her divine love.
By Bharathi from Bangalore - India on Thursday 3rd May
Jai Shri Mataji,
Very nice to hear that Shri Mataji blessed Cabella again by Her presence.
People of Cabella are really blessed as they can see Shri Mataji and take her blessings
and speak to Her.
By Sharmila -Alice Abergel from Belgium on Monday 4th June
What can we say more than "Jai" to Our Holy Mother, The Mother of all mothers;
By Amir Sadeghi from Iran,Tehran on Tuesday 11th September