You are currently browsing: Shri Mataji visits Italy, 2007.
Sunday 10th June

First Italian National Seminar for Newcomers

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Last weekend, on the 9th and 10th of June, the first  Italian National Seminar for new Sahaja Yogis took place in Nirmal Nagar (Sahaj Temple in Albera Ligure)

In the seminar more than 200 people participated. 130 of them were "new" Sahaja Yogis, coming from all over Italy (north and south) for the weekend.

It started on Saturday
morning with a beautiful musical meditation with bija mantras.

During the weekend there were multiple activities like
interesting talks about the relation between Sahaja
Yoga & Science or Sahaja Yoga & Medicine. Then a
workshop was offered, accompanied by indepth explanation of Sahaj techniques, which enabled a deep meditative experience to the newcomers.

There was also a moment dedicated to
"Free Questions" in which some "old" italian yogis
answered with appropiate words.

The intensive Saturday day program was followed by a beautiful Saturday evening program: the topic was "Sahaja Yoga and the Art". There were
performances like Bhajans, W. Blake songs & poems,
Light dance, Ganesha Aarti dance and Bangra and we all
felt the attention of Shri Mataji.

Last part of the seminar was a celebration of a
complete Puja to the Adi Shakti. Before starting the
Puja there was a beautiful intruduction in which the
attention was on Shri Mataji like a Divine Personality
and a nice explanation about protocol.

Thanks to the Blessings of Our Holy Mother, at the end
everyone was satisfied of the experience, and many of
the "New" expressed the desire to come back again  and
again to Cabella!!!.




By R Venkateswaran from Guwahati, Assam State of N.E.India on Saturday 16th June

Jai Shri Mataji !

The realization giving programme in a circle manner and collective foot soaking is giving us new inspiration !

Jai Shri Mataji !