You are currently browsing: Shri Mataji visits Italy, 2007.
Sunday 15th July

Celebrating with the Divine

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For those who dream of celebrating their birthday with the Divine, it has come true for Dr. Sanjeev Bandi from Australia.

 To mark the anniversary our dear sisters at the Castle prepared a beautiful cake which sat in front of Shri Mataji. Yogis present in the room sang in one chorus to congratulate Dr. Sanjeev.


 Some flowers from various collectives from the vicinity of Cabella were presented to Shri Mataji, as well.



By R Venkateswaran from Guwahati, India on Wednesday 25th July

Jai Shri Mataji !

Belated birthday greetings to our brother Dr.Sanjeev from Australia.

He is one of the fortunate Sahajis to celebrate the special day with the Divine couple.